Funny Church Signs

So when I followed a link from Debateable Strands of Wisdom, and ended up here, I couldn't resist pinching a few of the best of these funny signs to show you! Honestly, sometimes you wonder what exactly were they thinking..??!

M: An argument isn't just contradiction.
A: It can be.
M: No it can't. An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition.
A: No it isn't.
M: Yes it is! It's not just contradiction.
A: Look, if I argue with you, I must take up a contrary position.
M: Yes, but that's not just saying 'No it isn't.'
A: Yes it is!
M: No it isn't!
(Monty Pythons Flying Circus)
So when I followed a link from Debateable Strands of Wisdom, and ended up here, I couldn't resist pinching a few of the best of these funny signs to show you! Honestly, sometimes you wonder what exactly were they thinking..??!
Random photo I saw online and loved
The *MOST* exciting thing though, is that my friends are coming to visit from London! My wonderful friends! Milandi and Lana get here today, Gabriella and Ems get here on Sunday, and also my good good buddy Proctor will be here on Sunday as well HOORAY!! So excited to see my friends :-)
Possibly our firewall will continue to be benevolent and allow me to blog post-conference and let me tell you how wonderful it all was! But just in case it doesn't, I'm going to channel the future for a moment and fill you in now:
Conference was amazing! I was so blessed! It was so fantastic to see all my friends again, we didn't get to catch up as much as I wanted but I was so happy to see them when I could! It was totally exhausting, going all day and all night, but luckily my beautiful car Gina got us all there in one piece every day. The speakers were phenomenal - I think the highlight was Reinhard Bonnke, and also Charlotte Scanlon-Gambill, and... well, they were all the best really! The night rallies were great, so many extra people came, and my friends from Newcastle Manda and Ashley came, and I had such a great time hanging out with them! They are such a great couple!
I bought a really cool t-shirt, and heaps of lovely presents to send back to London when everyone goes back (yay, no postage!). I was so happy that Shelley could come to conference, and I got to see all my buddies from Connect group (even though they were mostly volunteering). I can't wait for next year! Will post photos soon!
Public apology: Sorry for my blog being so silent of late! It's due to the firewall at work not liking us using blogs. I did speak to our IT manager and request for my blog to be released - for the good of humanity - but for some reason he failed to see my point of view, and that of my adoring fans, and told me that as a blanket policy blogs were banned by the firewall.
(Maybe upon further reflection has has come round to my point of view however, because this morning during my daily 'it's-worth-a-shot' check, I find I can POST!! Halleluiah!!)
But, rest assured, even though I may not be making a mark upon the world wide web, I am always sitting in front of my email, so please keep emailing me! If you don't have my email address, leave me a comment and I'll reply. (Comments get emailed to me automatically, oh the luxuries of blogspot!) But you can also check out the very talented Phoenix's blog, check out my links section for more gold from my buddies.
For some reason the firewall has kindly let me access my blog at work today! I don't know why - don't question the good fortune Amy, just make the most of it!!
So let me take a little moment to introduce you to my beautiful new car who has newly been christened Gina! (Why Gina? Well, call me a dag, but it's one of my favourite names!)
Documenting the first time I ever drove over the Sydney Harbour Bridge!
So now instead of taking me up to an hour to get to work - it now takes me just 15 MINUTES!! Today there was no traffic on the road and it took me a miniscule 12 minutes to get to work - PRAISE GOD!! Set free from the vagaries of public transport! (I don't actually know what vagaries means, it just sounded like a good word to use!)