My Church
And, anyway, that all changed. I won't go into what happened to change it here, maybe another time! When I moved to London in 2003, all I knew was that I needed to find a church. I was excited about being in London, excited about starting a whole new life - both in the fact that I was half a world away from everything and nearly everyone I knew, and also that I was newly Christian, and was learning about a whole new world view. A friend of a friend took me to Hillsong in London. We were running a bit late, so we ran in through the doors. The first impressions I had were of noise, loud music, lots of people my age, everyone smiling, and - most beautifully - a sign on the wall saying 'WELCOME HOME'. I was almost overwhelmed and had tears in my eyes - and that was only in the foyer!
I think the thing that became obvious quite quickly over the next few months, was that the people at this church just wanted to love me. Not in a freaky way, as I've seen at other places. One church I attended once seemed to only see new people coming in as numbers, or notches on their belt to prove how good a church they were. I didn't like that vibe. At Hillsong new people are celebrated! People were honestly happy that I was there, and keen not only to answer any questions I had, but also to hang out with me and invite me places! People who were like me, who liked my kind of books and movies, people who were funny and fun to be with, people who could laugh with me and make me laugh, people who honestly took joy in being with me.
The senior pastor, Gary Clarke, preaches a great message about enlarging your world. I remember him saying that if each person in the church made room in their life for one more person, we could double every year and not miss anyone out, not have anyone feel left out. I loved that. The great thing was that I had seen people do this for me. One of the first people who met me at church (at a 'New to London' night) was one of the busiest, but she always made time for me when I needed her.

After I'd been at church a few weeks I joined the host team. I was lucky to get Vicky as my team leader, she was the first 'leader' that I had at church and has remained the most influential and inspiring person I've met. What I learned overall from serving on team at church? Giving truly is better than receiving, and a servant heart is the key to unlocking the riches of Gods kindgom. So many times we would be at church from 8am til 10pm, actually lots of times even longer than that. For conferences we would serve over an entire weekend. But it wasn't like you wish you were home in bed, or out drinking or doing something else - as this is where the action is! This is where lives are being changed and the kingdom is being built! What better joy or privelege than serving on the front line?

I was in London for 2 years, and only missed 3 or 4 weekends at church over that time. I didn't want to miss out on a minute of it! I made the best friends I've ever had there. People who I know will stick by me through thick and thin (because they already have), people who love me for who I am and who they believe I can become, people who are not afraid to give me honest and sometimes critical feedback, or call me out when I've got a stinky attitude, who don't demand anything of me - just love me, friends who admire me and seek out my opinion or my company, beautiful friends who continue to love and support me now even though I'm on the other side of the planet.

Picnic fun: Vicky, Mish, Shelley, Dean
But most of all, what I took away after 2 years planted in church in London, was a feeling of undeserved love. These beautiful friends who opened their lives, hearts and homes to me; who I truly felt loved by. Beautiful friends who truly showed me that just as God's love is undeserved, we are here to mirror that love for other people. Even when we're tired, when we're broke, when we're missing our family so much that it hurts, when we're unemployed and not sure how to pay rent, when we're finding it hard to communicate with people from other cultures, when we're hurting because of something someone else said, when we're facing disapointment or disillusionment, whenever. Circumstances don't matter to God, He just loves you anyway. I love that I learnt that message through watching my friends.

Nice one Ermie. This is beautiful. And you are so right, your friends in London continue to love and appreciate you now just as much as ever (if not more!)
Will miss having you around at Christmas, but I know you'll have a great time!
(ps- had our Christmas services yesterday, you would have LOVED it! really thought of you...)
Good Luck for Wednesday!
You hit the nail on the head, Ams. That's what your friends are for ... and we love you! xxx
Beautifully said
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