Hillsong Conference (a small update)
The glory of conference is going to be very hard to put into words! Have you noticed that I've been putting it off? I still haven't gotten all my pics from my digital camera, but I have a few on my phone. First up, check out the glory of the Acer Arena filled with 26,000 Christians... The cutest people there were this youth group from Queensland sitting up on one of the elevations. There must have been about 60 of them, all in matching red t-shirts, bless their little cotton socks. There were a few other large groups who we could spot too, we were sitting right in front of another large youth group, but they didn't have matching t-shirts on. One of the nights a friendly little worship competition developed between the two youth groups, I was nearly on the floor gasping with laughter! The first group would go: "We love Jesus yes we do! We love Jesus how bout you?" and would all point in unison at the other group, who would then retort "We love Jesus yes we do! We love Jesus how bout YOU?" and point back to the first group! All the way across the arena! They tried pointing at other random sections of the crowd, but apparently none of the other sections were really that into Jesus, because nobody else would play the game!
There was a group of very LARGE men in black t-shirts sitting together too, and one night before the rally started they all stood up and did the haka! Resounding applaused resulted... (we were all too scared not to clap!)
Some fabulous people were there also... not just the speakers (although they were wonderful!). I literally bumped into my beautiful, beautiful friend Rachel. (I look crazy in the picture, can't figure out why) (no smart comments please!)
I got to hang out with the very talented and inspiring Sarah, who now LIVES in Sydney so we get her ALL THE TIME HOORAH!!
And, what post would be a complete without a picture of my fabulous new glitter shoes? They might create small amounts of pain, but honestly, the glory is so worth it.
yeah some of the guys from london went down for the conference and they said it was incredible. In september we will be putting the first ever Hillsong Conference Europe! going to be awesome
Well, I'll be missing the first London conference... (sniff, sniff) BUT I'll get to hang out with the Beautiful Rachel, the Talented Sarah, the Adorable Amy and a host of others pretty soon, so I'll survive. Besides- I'll get to be there when Sydney Conference turns 21! YAY! (PS- Amy, seeing the pics of you with Rach and Sarah made my heart skip a few beats, but tell Sarah not to steal my friends before I get there... :) She'll know what I'm talking about.)
Missed all that at conference - but I can update u on our one when I see you! I hope!
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