Recipe for a perfect Sunday afternoon...
But I had a glorious Sunday. Glorious! It was a beautiful sunny day. We went to church in the morning and heard a great message from Phil Dooley about confidence (which may take a while to sink in!). I love my church! After church Chris and I went for brunch at Depot - which was a bit of an experiment. I'm a big fan of brunch in cafes, and mostly after church I go for brunch at the Wah Wah Lounge. My cafe criteria go like this:
1. vibe - of which I'm mostly concerned with comfy seats
but also nice lighting (sitting outside preferable)
enough elbow room
tables big enough to fit my plate and a teapot on without having to do a rubix cube shuffle whenever I want to eat or drink
quiet enough to be able to chat
2. all day breakfast - I can't be having with these 'lunch menu after 11.00' outfits, who's ready to have brunch before 11.00? Not moi.
3. service - a smile goes a million miles with me :-)
So trying a new cafe is exciting, but also a bit of a risk! Depot had great food, but a very industrial kind of vibe, wooden chairs, small tables etc. So it didn't fit my fave criteria. Great to try something new though :-)
After brunch, and some assorted Ikea flatpacking adventures, we went down to Botany Bay to check out the Laperouse museum, which was so interesting! Did you know that a French expedition landed in Australia just a few days after the First Fleet? And that this was the last place they were seen alive before they vanished mysteriously?
La Perouse Museum at Botany Bay
I love the 'whenceanyaccount'! I think that something may have been lost in the translation from French there ;-)
The view of the bay is magnificent. I was so excited to realise that this is actually the place where the First Fleet sailed in, and the actual bay were they parked and landed. (Okay, so my nautical jargon is possibly a bit out, but you get what I mean) (you park a ship right?!)

Ship coming in to the bay (note: may not be actual First Fleet ship)
Wow, I've really been getting all patriotic lately! Maybe it comes from living in Sydney, and getting to see all the history that still remains here. Maybe it comes from hanging out with a Yorkshire lad and showing off my city! I love living in Sydney, and Sundays like this only make me love it even more :-)
Me and my wonderful boyfriend Chris!
I don't know Ams. I dont' think you ahve quite captured the beauty of a greasy spoon cafe. You could definately add elements of them to your criteria... You know, smoking allowed inside, all coffee served in styrafome (? spelling), eggs so oily they could threaten to fall off your plate. And lets not forget the stained-oily walls with pictures of 1970's cafe food. And the fact that they DO serve breakfast all day.
You're so right Mish - and let's not forget tea served in a mug, another greasy spoon classic...
Clearly I need to visit more cafe's with YOU my dear!
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