Tuesday, February 05, 2008


I don't think too many people remember this blog, which is making it easier for me to be more honest here. (And to forget to post for months at a time, also, since we're being up front with each other.)
Today I'm wondering... things. Many and varied things. Or, perhaps, not so varied, more on a specific theme. And, since my needy soul feels better in talking about things, and there seems to be a lack of real people to talk things through with in my personal sphere at the moment, I thought I'd wonder out loud here, to the blank face of the internet. So here's some things that I'm wondering.

I'm wondering how it's possible to unload things but still carry the weight?
I'm wondering just what lesson it is that God is trying to teach me right now?
I'm wondering if God could buy in on the theory that P's make degrees, give me a Pass mark and move on to the next lesson already?
I'm wondering why it's so easy to hide?
I'm wondering where everyone went? And then conversely, I'm wondering why it sometimes feels loneliest in the midst of a crowd?
I'm wondering which decision it was that changed the scenery so much?
I'm wondering why it feels too late to change trains?
I'm wondering how it is that there's so much more to read in your tone, yet you don't hear anything in mine?
I'm wondering how deep it gets in the middle?
I'm wondering how high it is from the arch?
I'm wondering if I could even fit through the gaps?
I'm wondering how much it would hurt?
I'm wondering if I'll ever grow up, or if I'll just get old?
I'm wondering if the fringe really hides the tears that successfully, or if people just don't want to ask?
I'm wondering when the big things will start shining, and not just the small, unconnected things?
I'm wondering if the dry words in my bible could ever heal the welling pain in my heart?
I'm wondering if it's ever enough, of if the bar just keeps lowering when I get near?
I'm wondering if I could get anymore cryptic and still feel like I'm sending messages in bottles?
I'm wondering how I could lose this black dog?
I'm wondering if it's possible to ask for help in such a way as to not look like a loser?
I'm wondering if things will ever change or if I'll be stuck 'wondering' around Mount Sinai for the next 40 years?
I'm wondering if one day I'll have a stunning return to form in this blog, and be as witty as I'd like to be, and if that ever happened if I'd come back here and delete this post so that nobody knew that once upon a time my heart was hurting so badly that I felt the need to shout it out loud?
I'm wondering how long it will take before this feels like once upon a time...


Julie Q. said...

I think I was meant to read this today. Please don't delete it. Your wondering (and wandering) might be someone else's answers.

Anonymous said...

Dear Amy,
Came upon your blog late at night... It's been a month - I hope the black dog has left now.
The answers to your questions are closer than you think...
Just 'cause it seems like people aren't there for you, doesn't mean they are not. They just may not realise that you need them.
You don't have to be perfect - it's a cliche, but true.
Trust in yourself.
Believe in yourself.
You are much stronger, smarter and able to find your way around (yes it is true!)than you think.

Anonymous said...

me too i hink i was meant to read this today.. that was briliant amy. think i might print it out

love you.

from one of the people that disappeared.