Sunday, April 02, 2006

International Visitors Month

I have a great bunch of friends who are spread over the whole world! March has been geat, becuase everyone has been coming over to visit!

Dean flew over for training for his work, and we managed to show him around nearly every tourist spot in Sydney in 10 days. This is us just spotting something fascinating at the Sydney Aquarium.

The girls! Vicki and Kirsty from New Zealand, and Michelle from Brisbane, and a beautiful gathering of my lovely girls from London who are now based in Australia.

Most beautiful of all - Mish came for Colour! We had such a great time! Sadly she is definitely needed in London, so I had to give her back eventually.

Looking forward to all the gang coming out for conference in July - and beautiful Laura moving over for college too!

The nice thing is that I have lots of great countries that I need to go visit now, to catch up with friends everywhere. The sad thing is not being able to see these wonderful people whenever I like - but according to one very wise lady who I know - the anticipation actually strengthens the friendships! (See you in January Marcia!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey hey Amy!

How are you doing? This is such a good photo of all the girls, I so need to catch up with you soon! I am going to be in Aus in November! So you can add me to that list! And add another photo to it!

Keep me posted on what is going on!

Love you Pink Lady,

Alex xxx