Thursday, January 12, 2006

The hilariousness of wit, and snorting.

This made me laugh out loud! I even snorted. Sometimes when I'm concentrating too hard (I know this happens to other people as well) I snort. Don't laugh! Doesn't that happen to you too? Oh you lie, it does so. You know, you're concentrating really hard on something, or you're walking quite quickly, or you're speaking too fast - and your throat kind of closes up a little bit and all of a sudden, you've just snorted! And you feel a bit silly, but it's all right, because everyone does it, but then why are they all looking at me strangely? And why are they laughing? And pretending that they weren't looking at me? But still lauging? Bah, hypocrites, the lot of you.


Unknown said...

Hahaha- you got me there!!!! We all have our little quirks, maybe not always snorting, but there's something you do that's embarrasing! At least snorting is not flatulence!

(Ps- I couldn't get through to the link page, I had to copy the location to work out what it was!)

Clovergirl said...

Cheers Marcia, I fixed the link! You make me laugh so much!