Thursday, November 23, 2006

Beta Blogger, it's a new adventure

So I converted to Beta Blogger last night - did you notice it looks a bit prettier around here today? (Say yes!) I've added a few more elements to the sidebar (please note careful use of blogger jargon) which I'm excited about. The list of books that I'm reading at the moment has gone - partly because I read so much that it was always hopelessly out of date, and partly because who's really interested in knowing what I'm reading? (Hello! If you are, send me an email and I'll give you a list)
I'm loving the 43 Things site lately too, so I've added my list onto the sidebar. It's a great site, check it out and feel free to start your own list! Reccomend something to me that you think I should do :-)
And how do you like my pretty new Clustr Map? Every unique person who clicks on my blog gets their own pretty red circle. The more people from a particular area that visit, the bigger the circle. Want one for your website? Just click here.

This has been a week undescribable by any adjective. (Thus named because I just sat here for 5 minutes trying to think of a word to sum up my week and could not find anything that would do it justice!) So let's summarise:


  • nearly passed out while giving blood
  • had to dash up to the Central Coast after work to see my dad
  • realised I was nearly out of petrol
  • my credit card stopped working at the petrol station
  • tried to call my bank for help but my phone stopped working
  • nearly passed out again
  • credit card mysteriously started working again
  • phone mysteriously started working again
  • went to visit my dad in hospital but he was asleep
  • passed in the halls by a 80 year old streaker trying to escape from hospital (totally starkers)


  • huge hunstman in the shower at mum's place, nobody to rescue me
  • picked up dad from hospital
  • drove back to Sydney, then found out I'd left my phone charger at dad's house and my battery was nearly flat
  • dad was readmitted to hopsital


  • big hairy spider in the shower at the Cottage, nobody to rescue me
  • dad discharged from hospital again
  • too traumatised by spider to have breakfast, forgot my lunch
  • coffee lady didn't come to work, so starved all day
  • stayed at work late to get work done that I missed on Tuesday
  • got home late, starving, and ate all of Shelley's dinner that was in the fridge
  • felt bad so decided to wait up til she got home to apologise in person
  • she stayed out late, didn't get home til 23.45, and then told me that she'd left it for me anyway


  • slept in due to late night
  • big menacing cockroach in the shower, used a large bottle of TreSemme conditioner to RESCUE MYSELF as clearly nobody else would rescue me
  • had an early meeting so forgot to have breakfast
  • coffee lady didn't come to work, so starved all day

I'm waiting in anticipation to see what will be in the shower tomorrow... I can't even guess... maybe a frog...


Unknown said...

Maybe the frog will turn out to be Prince Charming???
Hehehe, I switched to Beta Blogger tonight. Pretty cool.
Am being eating alive by Mosquitos at the moment... HELP!

Katy Snowball said...

There was indeed a frog in my bathroom last night Amy!I valiantly rescued THE FROG from the grip of the talons of the mighty destroyer Ashley and put him/her outside. This was right after I went to dinner with Graeme Wise, the owner of The Body Shop Australia, during which all members of TBS Tuggerah suffered terrible foot in mouth disease and resolved never to meet rich/inspirational/admired/boss type again.