Low GI Madness
I've made the (tough) decision of attempting, attempting to kick my sugar addiction. Tough, did I mention tough? Oh the toughness. I have actually tried to do this before, but not knowing enough about the options I haven't gone very far. Possibly I also haven't really wanted it enough before, that could also be possible... I like sugar! I like sweet things! I like cakes and chocolate and biscuits! I like things that are quick and easy and pre-packaged and processed! This is not a good thing though. What ends up happening is that I feel flat, or tired, so I eat something sugary to pick me up - then end up with a sugar crash, where I feel flat, try to eat something else sugary to pick me up... sugar crash. (Sugar crash Amy is not pretty, as I think some of my colleagues can attest to) (actually, my beautiful colleagues are so well trained that at the slightest hint of a bad mood, a Kit Kat or a Giant Freddo will magically appear on my desk!) (it's just occurring to me now that this is possibly a self-defense mechanism on their part actually...)
So this time I've bought a little book on low GI foods, and am really attempting to re-educate myself on healthier options. And it's tough. Again, did I mention the toughness? Oh the toughness! What I've learnt so far is that high GI foods break down quickly in your stomach and give you a sugar hit straight away. So actually you want to look for things that take longer to break down, and give you a slower burning, sustained sugar burn, this is better for your long term energy levels. But possibly not as exciting. Or as chocolate covered.

Google tells me that it takes around 21 days to break a habit. 21 days! I've barely made 3 days! (And that's not taking into account an isolated incident of fairy floss for dinner on Monday night) I'm miserable. I don't want to keep analysing everything I eat. I don't want to make an effort to change. I want chocolate. I want biscuits. I want cakes. I want SUGAR! Oh the toughness! Can you possibly ever understand the toughness??!! (Possibly not, as I may be using that word in the wrong context, but please take into account my sugar-deprived brain and give me a bit of grace! I'm just asking for A BIT OF GRACE!!!)
Well, anyway, I think that was my point. In my low-GI haze, I think I'm just asking for a bit of love. The forecast is a high chance of grumbling, possibly leading into a full-blown storm of grouchiness. Give me a chance though, not a Kit Kat, and I reckon I'll be sweet again in my own strength eventually ;-)
Caaaaaaaaaakkkkke! Never fear Katy will soon be there to share your love of cake with you! And next time I see you I will be handily prepared with low GI, wholemeal, organic, fairtrade apple and oat muffins with all natural low GI sweeteners and extra added yumminess.
All natural low GI yumminess... do you mean as found at the Lindt cafe? And as emnbodied by truffles for breakfast??
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