Monday, July 17, 2006

Things my body has said to me lately...

* Go back to bed, I'm exhausted
* I know you've just woken up, but really, go back to sleep
* Let's have another Tim Tam Slam, you can do it!
* That was too many Tim Tam Slams, I feel sick
* No really, I feel sick
* Nah, feeling better now, are you really going to leave that Tim Tam sitting on the plate?
* I'm tired, can you go back to bed please?
* I feel sick, take some medicine
* I'm thirsty
* That was too much water, too soon after the medicine, I feel even sicker now
* Still TIRED! Please lie down.
* I want to lie down, don't make me threaten you
* Fine, I'll pass out, is that what you want?
* Ah, bed, thanks, now let's sleep for a hundred years
* Okay, night time, I'm awake now, don't feel like sleeping!
* I want something healthy to eat
* I said HEALTHY not boring
* I'm not eating that, I'm not hungry any more
* Can you go back to bed, I'm exhausted
* Sinus pain, where's that nasal spray
* Do you have to go to work? Couldn't you just sleep for a while longer instead?
* Really? Work? You just try it sister.
* Ah, bed, thanks, now lets sleep for another hundred years
* I'm cold
* I'm hot
* I'm tired
* I'm thirsty
* I'm too full of water I feel sick!
* Did I mention that I'm tired?
* I'm bored, I don't feel like sleeping, let's watch tv
* I've got a headache, don't watch tv, but don't sleep
* I've got no energy, don't try going out anywhere or I'll strike
* Bored!
* Tired.

Omg talk about getting sick of listening to my body's demands! It's like a difficult child throwing a tantrum! Well last night I had a showdown, and it went something like this:

Me: Listen here body, you may not like me and I can tell you I'm getting pretty sick of you...
Body: I feel sick
Me: That's enough out of you! No more sleeping! No more coughing! No more sneezing! And if that nose is runny just one more time so help me-
Body: *sniff*?

So today I got up early (only 2 snoozes, good start) took my vitamins, ate my NutriGrain (Iron Man food) and went to work. Small step maybe, but quite an achievement in my world. So I've gone through nearly a whole box of tissues since I've been here, nobody can understand my stuffed up little sentences, and I feel like I'm floating in a world of my own (someone sympathetically offered me a Soother, which was nice) but at least I'm here! And not being held captive by my sickness anymore! Halleluiah!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh dear, your body sounds confused. Maybe it's also affecting your judgement, and that is why my blog is no longer your favourite... Yeah, I think that is what happened. For sure.

But glad to hear you are getting up and about. And that you are Blogging again!