Postsecret and other worthy time wasting ideas
Have you bookmarked this site yet? Do yourself a favour! It's updated every Sunday and is worth looking at every week. I bought the first book, it cost a LOT but is so entirely worth it. I'm holding my breath for the 2nd and 3rd books too now.
This was up there today, so classic.
I can't say that I've never done that before :-)
We played a very juvenile but entirely hilarious game at work the other day. (my idea, they're always my idea) What happens is, at the end of every sentence you need to add on the end 'without my pants'. It's so silly without my pants! We were all laughing so much without our pants!
Right, best to stop that one right there I think! You get the picture, it's so silly but wholly and completely hilarious...
I remember reading an excellent game in TNT magazine once (TNT how I miss thee!) which was challenging, a lot harder than you would think. You basically just refer to yourself in the third person all the time. Amy actually found this quite hard. Amy ended up feeling like a bit of a tosser - especially when she was speaking out loud in front of people who didn't know what she was doing. Amy definitely recommends you giving it a shot yourself! Let her know how it goes if you do :-)
Hey Amy, more updates more updates! Hip hip!
Teeheehee. :)
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