Monday, December 26, 2005

I'm back again!

Okay, so Boxing Day has totally restored my faith in the Christmas Spirit! We had an excellent time. Our wonderful family friends came over, plus some excellent hangers on. We opened a few presents, had a great dinner/late lunch, polished off the trifle, and just had a great time hanging out together!

It was so great to be around good friends! Everyone had a wonderful time, I think we must have kept the whole neighbourhood up with our talking and shouting and laughing! It was such a change from the day before. No worrying about is so-and-so offended about something, or does that person have someone to talk to, and is whats-their-name being nasty to everybody and etc. etc. What a great bunch of people! I love how some friends can be around so long and be so wonderful that they turn into family!

Di and Cliffy won the 'Most in Love' award again!

And then we had a ridiculously long and hilariously entertaining game of charades...

The Naked Chef

Bob The Builder

Rebel Without a Cause

Something blue...

I need some help with this one!

I can't think!

Too much pressure!

You're so close!

It's so obvious!

Yes! You got it!

So, I'm sorry about my depressing post yesterday. But in the spirit of journalistic integrity, I've decided that I won't ever go back and edit or delete past posts, execpt for the following exceptions:
1. To correct spelling or grammer. (feel free to jump on me hard if you spot an error!)
2. To add links or pictures.
3. To remove someone's name or picture upon request.

and, let's be honest now

4. If I really, really feel like it. (well come on, it is my blog after all!)


Anonymous said...

Uhm, sorry to have to do this, but GRAMMAR, please.
See you on the blog soon...
(hint as to my identity... mytical bird of fire)

Clovergirl said...

Thanks Phoenix! Yep, I know, I left that one there as bait :-) I was wondering how long it would take someone to jump on it! (And btw don't think I won't try to pass off any future errors as deliberate mistakes as well!)