Thursday, December 01, 2005

Transition coloured glasses

New glasses! I got my new glasses! I can see leaves on trees again, they're not just green blurs! I can see where my car is in the carpark without having to trip over it! I can spot a cute top from over the other side of the shop without having to trek over there! All of you non-glasses wearing smug 20/20 people will not ever know the thrill of getting new glasses and for this I feel sorry for you! Yes, I who has just spent $500 on a new accessory feel sorry for YOU!

They're really cute, and I will take a picture of them to show you... just not today, for I'm going to be a bit girlish and protest that I have a pimple so no cameras are coming anywhere near me today! (You and your 20/20 retinas will thank me for this)

I loved my old glasses, lurrrrrrved them. I bought them in 2003, the week before I left for London. I remember the optometrist told me that they might be another week being made, and asked if that was okay. I told him that of course it wasn't as I would be travelling in a week. Where to, he asked innocently? Says I, in a casual but jetsettingly weary way, "Oh, you know, Tokyo, London, Paris..." (Yes, okay, so it was only a stopover in Tokyo and 3 days in Paris, but he didn't need to know the details!)

Policeman, me and my old glasses, policeman

So the fab glasses had rather imposing brown frames, they were my 'yes, I've got glasses' glasses. (As opposed to my first pair, which were as invisible as could be and were my 'no, I don't really have glasses, what these? oh that's nothing, just an overly enthusiastic pair of earrings' glasses.) I loved them! They were my sidekicks. But the week before I left London they Disappeared. Into. Thin. Air. Which was sad and annoying! I make fun of people who lose things! And now I am one of them! It's so painful to be proven a hypocrite!

Old glasses might still turn up when my boxes rom London get delivered. Bad news for them if they do, as they have been superseded by the new 'it's all about accessorising' glasses. They have multi coat! And transition lenses! You can't get better than that, you just can't! My boxes are supposedly coming in another 2 weeks. I'm not holding my breath though, as apparently there is still a backlog at the customs in Sydney. I've almost forgotten what I packed in those boxes... I hope there's some exciting stuff!

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